Matching small and underserved businesses with critical funding and resources

Small business owners in economically challenged communities lack access to affordable capital and industry-specific technical assistance to help them start, grow, and thrive. To address this need, ACT Capital helps businesses:


Secure small grants and capital to support new technology, advanced equipment purchases, workforce development, and industry-specific training.


Easily access relevant loan product, workforce development, training and other critical information through the easy-to-use digital platform.


Move more quickly through the grant and loan application process via a user-friendly digital platform that quickly and securely matches applicants with the best possible options.


Secure the best possible below-market financial terms offered by participating funders whose mission aligns with ACTCapital’s.


Our first use case: Support for small Colorado manufacturers

ACT Capital has partnered with the Colorado Advanced Manufacturing Association (CAMA) to offer grants to current members and to other businesses across the state through the Colorado Manufacturing Association (CMA).

This initiative is part of “The Keep-It-Made-in-Colorado fund,” through which ACT Capital will facilitate loans, buy down interest rates, and/or cover closing costs. Banks can invest in this fund through their Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) program.

After this Colorado pilot has launched, ACT Capital will solicit funding for this program and other third-party specialty loan funds that support other undeserved markets in the United States.

It’s Time to Start Growing Your Business

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