ACTCapital serves community lenders and their small business and startup clients nationwide
Founded in 2023 by finance and banking veterans with proven experience in microfinance and economic development, ACTCapital supports community lenders, industry associations, and other nonprofits—including Community Development Financial Institutions— with capital, technical assistance, workforce development, and technology that benefit small businesses and startups in under-served communities.
Our current focus is on growing small business loan funds, starting with the Manufacturing Advancement Fund, as well as small grant and interest-rate buy-down programs. Qualified lenders can receive Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) credit for investing in these ACT programs.
ACT is building a proprietary tool to identify Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) -eligible small business applicants upfront in the loan application process.
Complementing these offerings is our technology arm, Access Capital Technologies, which offers a digital platform to simplify, streamline, and expedite access to capital for small businesses in manufacturing and other industry sectors.

Meet the Team
Three finance and banking veterans with deep experience in microfinance and economic development formed ACTCapital in 2023.