CRA-eligible programs to support underserved communities across the United States
ACT will offer banks opportunities to invest in access-to-capital initiatives, including loan buy-down and load fund programs, the benefit small businesses and start-ups in underserved and often overlooked markets
Qualified lenders will be eligible for Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) credit for investing in ACT programs
The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
Enacted by Congress in 1977, the CRA encourages banks to address access-to-credit inequities and to help meet the credit needs of the entire community in which they do business, in particular low- and moderate-income communities. CRA ratings that regulators can assign to banks range from Outstanding to Noncompliance
Loan Fund Investment Opportunities
ACT is building funds to support small businesses across the United States, starting with the Manufacturing Advancement Fund. Qualified lenders will receive CRA credit for investing in ACT funds
Support for Colorado Manufacturers
We are applying CRA investments in the form of grants or loans as part of the “Keep-It-Made-in-Colorado Fund”, which supports small manufacturers in the state